He walked into my room..

He walked into my workspace, this big handsome gentleman. A bit shy and very tense. When I asked him to sit down he confessed he was nervous because he knew that a ‘practise woman’ was about to enter our scene. He booked a private session with me, for him to deeper...

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when I first met Marcia…

When I first met Marcia, I found myself in one of the darkest places in my life. I was burnt out and didn’t even know it, my relationship was falling apart, my body was falling apart with huge anxiety over days and weeks that rarely gave me a break, I felt unsafe...

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Chinnamasta, the headless Goddess

chinnamasta  CHHINNAMASTA ultieme bevrijding van de mind Haar hoofd heeft ze zelf afgesneden, ze drinkt haar eigen bloedstroom wat uit haar lichaam spuit. Daarbij houdt ze haar hoofd in haar rechterhand. In haar linkerhand draagt ze een zwaard. Haar gezicht heeft een...

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Godin zonder hoofd

Haar hoofd heeft ze zelf afgesneden, ze drinkt haar eigen bloedstroom wat uit haar lichaam spuit. Daarbij houdt ze haar hoofd in haar rechterhand. In haar linkerhand draagt ze een zwaard. Haar gezicht heeft een gelukzalige uitdrukking. Haar 3 ogen zijn wijd open en er...

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Emotions and Tantra

Tantra teaches us the secret of the full scope of emotions. like anger, disgust, courage, joy, fright, compassion, fear, powerlessness.. It is an art to understand and be able to express all these rasas in their full scope. Then emotions become a tool of divine...

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the 112 ways of Shiva

Tantras are a series of scriptures, like the Vigyan Bhairav Tantra (the 112 ways of Shiva). These scriptures describe all parts of life as an inner- and outer cosmos. The study of Shakti Tantra is mostly related to worship of the Feminine Energy, the Goddess in all...

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Goddess Kali Misunderstood

The mention of Kali evokes a shadowy cloaked in mystery, for this Indian Goddess emerged from an ancient past. Although worshipped for centuries, most of the treasures of her mythology and practices are unknown. They were hidden in Sankrit text and esoteric sects....

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Worship the Lingam

I don't know where to begin in sharing my feelings. Monday I was so overwhelmed when I held space for 12 men who went into a process of reclaiming their place of power. Yes, I mean the 'lingam' the masculine organ that needs to be, somehow, re appreciated by men (and...

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The Sacred Temple Healer is calling..

The return of the the Temple Healers & the Sacred Prostitute. She channels the Goddess, the Divine Feminine. She hosts Sacred Ceremonies in a Temple of Love. She wants to be known, she wants to come out of the dark holes of confusion and perversion and return into...

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oh how I love the Masculine

oh, how I love the Masculine, I love it within myself. I love it in women, I love it in men. Today's yoga practice was with a (little too gorgeous) 'Shiva' yoga teacher. He emphasized a lot on resistance, a very serving subject I use in my trainings as well....

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I am not Spiritual enough

today I had a good cry. I realized that for years could net get in contact with my boundaries. It became clear after working in a 'conscious community' where everything is supposed to be an expression of love, I felt lost. I could not fit in. I wanted to and tried...

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je lichaam als afvoerputje of poort naar verlichting?

Mijn reactie op de docu 'Mijn seks is stuk'. Fijn dat er aandacht wordt besteed aan dit fenomeen wat zeker onder jonge vrouwen alleen nog maar meer gaat worden. Ik vind het alleen zo jammer dat deze docu niet verder gaat dan de dooddoener op het einde wat op mij...

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