If you want to maintain harmony within the relationship and you use consession as a strategy- this could destroy your authenticity, your longing and needs. Maybe you trigger each other in a way that has nothing to do with your beloved, but is a remain of trauma.
Polarity and attraction:
Without being aware of it, you could carry a shield to protect you from hurt. This shield also blocks the love from flowing free.
-A man with a feminine shield is often imprisoned in Mr Nice Guy and pleases his way into his love life. Leaving him unfulfilled.
-A woman can carry a masculine shield and cannot let go of control, even if it wears her out.
The body and intimacy:
You feel the potential of your sexual powers. But are afraid to really surrender to this force. Or maybe you are burnt out, and you feel nothing at all. How to come back not your body and life force?
Communication and trauma:
Out of the Drama Triangle (perpetrator-victim-saviour)and into the Respect Triangle (vulnerability-care-assertiveness).
Into Self Connection and speaking your feelings and needs. Non Violent Communication that connects you deeper to your Self and to each other. You will receive clarity on trauma responses and coping mechanisms. And how to rewire.
Tantra: is not just sex, it is an art form of Lovemaking beyond the body, that combines these aspects above and beyond. It is a state where love making is not just an act. Love making is a state of being. Everything that blocks this natural energy will be exposed, linked to trauma, rewired through the body and healed.
You get:
-a plan to fulfill your longing
-simple techniques for deeper communicating
-techniques on how to open the body
-techniques on how to detect trauma responses
-rewiring methodes for healing
-magnifying sexual power with heart connection
-cultivating magnetic masculine presence
-activating internal sexual circuitry for spiritual liberation
-the play of erotic love
-unveiling your deepest gifst in love making
-melt each others resistance to love
-knowledge on feminine,- and masculine integrity
-sustaining erotic soul-connection when you are parents too
-sexual communion as a sacred path to awakening
-creating safety for heart surrender and danger for passionate ravishment
On-line Session: 1 hour €89,00
Live in Bussum: 1,5 hours €150,-
Live in your home: 2 hours €300,-
“..and for my partner, I am in awe and in love with him more than ever. I could see his pain, his strength, I could finally disarm and let him be the anchor for me.