Superior Man

How is your relationship with your lingam? How is your relation to your sexuality? Repressed, non-existant, over compensating, free, or..? Your sexuality is a direct reflection on how you live your life, your life energy, your personality, relationships, work etc. It is my wish to enlighten you with this vision and how to liberate yourself from limiting beliefs and becoming the Superior Lover. Not only for the benefit of you, your lover, but also for the benefit of all beings.

These trainings are for men who have a desire to step into their masculine strength.  It lays out a challenge before men to fulfill their authentic masculine essence. Our playground is polarity and sexuality. The masculine- and a feminine pole, In life it doesn’t matter who takes on those roles (man or woman), but in these trainings we work with men with a masculine essence. The dynamic of polarity is necessary for sexual tension, passion and excitement. We will take these polarizing practices to the next level and play with it is as an art form.

What are your challenges in your love life, sex life and with women? Set your own goals during this trainings and practice them with women who are there to reflect and thereby serve you in your journey.

You can loose contact with your authentic sexuality nature due to porn, past-rejection issues, rejection from the feminine or taboo issues. The lingam and your life force can suffer from this. We want to restore the life-giving force from the lingam in all it’s glory. Bringing back the sensitivity and power. And let it be an instrument to be worshipped by yourself, the feminine in a beautiful and healthy communion.

The mystery of the feminine body:
Are you curious about the feminine orgasm, the ability to open for pleasure and feminine sexuality? How to detect when a women is in a freeze/fight/flight/cooperation mode?  When and why she closes during love making? How to open every cell of her body to receive pleasure? What factors are necessary for her to dive into a wild and orgasmic love making? How to de-arm her manipulating skills and to see the trauma behind it. How to raise your frequency and create depth in love making. How to use the peripheral view instead of hyper- focussing on her, during love making.

The healing of the Wounded Masculine:
Heal the boy and the man will appear…
Did you suffer from women who were afraid of your masculine power? Was you lingam not welcome or worshipped? Did she reject your ‘animal’ side? Did you have to adjust to feminine lovemaking and developed a ‘feminine shield’ of ‘spiritual shield’? Did you loose your masculine energy and would you like to explore the energy in the Dark Masculine, as well as the Light Masculine? Discover the archetypes from Killer/Rapist to King and Master and learn how to get the darkness into the light, Healthy sexuality. Learn to ‘read’ the feminine energy and take responsibility for your sexual desires.

The Dark Side:
Would you like to take a journey into your dark masculine, to explore your boundaries in the dark side of the masculine and see what energy is there? How to transform addictions and ‘pervertedness’ into opening skills? What gifts the dark side has to offer you? Can you take her further than she can take herself in your guidance of sexual play? How to initiate her into this part of you?

Stages of Masculine:
To totally embrace your masculine essence it is important you understand the 3 stages of masculine from dark to light. These are stages to grow into but also you have different moments when you are in different stages. From Warrior, Macho, Killer, Leader, King, Priest, Dominant, Healer, Cult Leader to Ravisher and Supreme Lover. Embracing each stage as a part of your humanity. Learn about the stages as feminine as well and how to play and influence her into these stages.

Masculine and Feminine Shield:
Where in life did you decide the masculine strength is not safe or appreciated? In your childhood? Your mother told you to ‘behave’?, your ex?, etc etc. Learn how it still sabotages your relationships and keeps you away from your deepest (sexual) gifts. Learn to detect your feminine shield, perhaps created in fear of the/your masculine force. Also learn how to understand and de-arm a woman’s masculine shield. Do you suffer from addictions to cover up past-hurt or you lack courage to go for what you want in your love life?

Stages of Feminine:
To deal with the unpredictable nature of the feminine it is important to understand the 3 stages of feminine- dark and light. From bimbo to lolita, from queen to manipulator, from priestess to bitchy. You can direct a situation, in or out of the bedroom, and navigate through challenging situation by practicing and having this knowledge.

Stages of Lovemaking:
One part of your woman is happy she made you come. Another part of her is disappointed that you’ve allowed yourself to choose a temporary and pleasurable spasm over the endless ravishment of her. What are your navigation skills? We will look at the 1st, 2nd and 3rd stage of lovemaking and how to get to a real communion of the polarities. Mastery over your sexual energy.

When was the last time you really ravished your woman? When was the last time you really “took” her, savagely, lovingly, with no inhibition whatsoever? Has it been so long that you can only get turned on by porn and rape scenes?
We get our sexual education mostly by porn. Many men get addicted to porn and desensitize their bodies to subtle love making. It can even create depression because of the hormonal dis-balance. It is difficult to sense a woman’s boundary and feel where you make love from love, your senses or from pictures in your head. Time to reconnect to the intelligence of your body and your natural state of being. Your essence as a man.

Marcia, founder of School of Shakti will host these gatherings. Not as your teacher but as your ally. She will create a space where you, as brothers, will call each other out on your truths. Creating a space for inner leadership to emerge.

Saturday from 11.00-17.00 Amsterdam, Studio Zena:
July 3 ;understand the feminine and masculine stages
frist stage masculine light side; the Warrior and the Alpha/understanding the 1st stage feminine; seduction
July 17 ;first stage masculine dark side; Porn, the Killer and the Rapist, understanding the dark feminine;  her manipulating side
Aug 14 ;second stage masculine: understanding and de-arm your feminine shield
Sept 4; third stage masculine light side: The King, the Priest, understanding the 3st stage feminine
Sept 25; third stage masculine light side: Sex and Controlling your energy system, challenge yourself
Oct 9; third stage masculine light: Tantrika and the Supreme Lover

€888,- for the whole training. Max 12 men.
please send a mail to marcia (@) school of shakti. org to register or call 06 49 135 246

To respect the safety of the women who are serving: no contact outside the training. No exchange of bodily fluids. No seeking each other on Facebook or such. If you should meet outside of the training there will be no discussing of the practices. All practices during the training remain secret and sacred and will not be talked about. We will create an app group for the men to keep up with each others process.


This training is for men who are ready to go the the next level of your masculine essence. There will not be only talk but a lot of ‘do’.
We will start with sitting down with your men friends and discuss what you are doing in your love and sex-life and what you are afraid of doing. The conversation are short and simple. Your brothers will give you a behavioral experiment, to get out of your comfort zone something you can do that will reveal something to you, or grant more freedom in your life. Men amongst each other should not tolerate mediocrity in one another.

You can read ‘the way of the superior men” from the author David Deida to already get into the zone.

“Guys, if you consider partaking but you are scared, let me tell you, it only sounds dangerous, but it’s actually really nice. M.K.

Marcia knows what she’s doing. ‘Dark masculine’ often sounds real crazy to me, scary, unpredictable and uncontrollable. I guess that’s what it should sound like 😛 there is nothing really crazy about it though, just stepping in your deep power, allowing yourself to have desires and to express them. Nobody will judge you there, it’s all for the sake of collective evolution. Enjoy the ride!” Nikolas (attended Priestess Retreat 2019)

“Ik ben een andere man. Ik zal nooit meer hetzelfde naar vrouwen kijken. Ik begrijp nu veel beter wat presence is en wat het betekent om man te zijn. Ik had er een verwrongen beeld van. Nu weet ik dat vrouwen mij willen zien in al mijn zijn, emoties, flaws en onzekerheden, zolang ik maar present ben. Het was ongelooflijk helend om mezelf zo kwetsbaar te laten zien en door Shakti volledig ontvangen te worden. Ik was zoekende naar purpose. Een nieuw purpose van me is om de Shiva te zijn die beeldschone Shakti’s, zoals jij ze opleidt, helemaal kan ontvangen. Ik wil een betere man zijn. Zodra ik dit voelde, had dezelfde dag een van de vrouwen mij alweer naar een hoger niveau getild. Nu wil ik meer, verder.Diep respect voor wat je met de ladies hebt gedaan. Wat ze in mij los wist te maken, was ongelooflijk. Ik had high hopes, en die zijn nog ver overtroffen. Woorden schieten me te kort. Ik heb al veel gedaan in zelfontwikkeling. Ik ben bij een paar van de grootste influencers in de wereld geweest, bijvoorbeeld Tony Robbins. Maar wat ik met het retreat heb meegemaakt… Dat heb ik nergens anders en de resultaten zijn echt van wereldniveau. Het is een van de beste ervaringen van mijn leven geweest.Mike (attendant Priestess Retreat 2019)