The first module of the Superior Man year training, is about your masculine essence. How you relate to yourself as a man. What does a ‘man’ mean to you?
The biggest power in your life is your sexual energy. If this energy can be free: you are free.
How free are you now?
It all comes down to the basics: your relationship with your genitals. Close contact with your lingam. Letting the energy from the base of your spine run free is an Awakening. We will learn the basics of the law of polarity and the law of attraction of your masculine sexuality. We invite Shiva as a supporting system in your life.
Within every man lays a raw and powerful being. A pearl of deeper wisdom is hidden in masculine body parts like the lingam. Every man is a Shiva presence: a platform of stability, a force of direction and purpose, of undisturbed tranquility, integrity and leadership.
Besides the positive aspects of the emancipation movement and the Me Too movement, it brought a lot of negative impact on men. Some feel the need to carry the ‘perpetrator, victim or savior role’ making them impotent and hiding in their cages, afraid to step in their full potential. The adult industry has confused men into consuming sex and women instead of fulfilling lovemaking and intimacy. Addictions, depression and numbing are just around the corner.
The Superior Man year training and its separate modules are for men who have a desire to step into their masculine strength. We want to restore the life-giving force from the lingam in all its glory. Bring back the sensitivity and power. And let it be an instrument to be worshipped by yourself and by the feminine, in a beautiful and healthy communion. And therefore fulfill your authentic masculine essence. The dynamic of polarity is necessary for sexual tension, passion, and excitement. We will take these polarizing practices to the next level and play with it is as an art form.
Your body, lingam, and your life force can suffer from porn, past-rejection issues, rejection from the feminine, or taboo issues. Did you suffer from women who were afraid of your masculine power? Did your ‘animal’ side get shamed? Perhaps out of shame and guilt, you created a feminine shield. In this training, you will reclaim your masculine energy, in both the light and dark archetypes. We will play and practice with the 1st stage Masculine energy. From the Alpha, Macho, Warrior, Soldier, Provider, and Protector to the dark side like the Killer. We will look at the ‘over feminized man’ and when you decided to put on a feminine shield to protect yourself.
The Shadow side of the masculine we will investigate for it has it’s roots in trauma. It is all inside of you, if you cannot owns these parts of you, you cannot own all the colors of your masculinity.
In Masculinnity, we focus on the element of Earth, connected to the first chakra in your body. We will work with the body on grounding, confidence, boundaries, trust, feeling safe, sexual desires, realism, fierceness, embodiment, releasing shame and guilt into sensual freedom. Releasing the victim/perpetrator role. Reclaiming your masculine body, mind and spirit. Your posture, voice, and your Masculine value system.
,You will learn about the female energetic body, female orgasm, and your ability to open her for pleasure, and to the Divine. You will learn how to detect when a woman is in a freeze, fight, flight, or cooperation mode. And when and why she closes during lovemaking. So you can never be in a ‘perpetrator role’ again. You will also learn how to open every cell of her body to receive pleasure. You will learn to deal with the unpredictable nature of the feminine. With this knowledge, you can navigate through challenging situations, in or out of the bedroom.
This training gives you an opportunity to deal with (sexual) trauma, trauma responses, blockages, and insecurities. You will learn to free blocked energy and move it through your body. Releasing fear, insecurity, feelings of unworthiness, shame, and guilt around sexuality. So you can open up to your birthright of being orgasmic. How to contain this wild and raw sexual energy and take responsibility for this powerful life force. The connection to the wisdom of your beautiful body, your lingam, is essential. Are you ready to reclaim your right to be a sexual being?
You will awaken your senses, and express your feelings, longings, needs, and most of all: your boundaries. With the knowledge of the law of polarity, you can play with masculine and feminine sexual energies. These energies can also work against us when you use them as shields. You will learn to indicate these shields and move beyond them. From here we will practice creating healthy boundaries. You learn how to express a clear YES and a clear NO in every situation.
Each group has its own needs, and therefore different methods are used for each training. Mostly, we learn through movement, radical honest sharing, challenge, constellation work and bodywork. We use techniques as Tantra, Polarity Play, Non-Violent Communication, The Polyvagal theory, and the Wheel of Consent, and a lot of practical ‘homework’. You will receive many practical tools to practice in both your daily and your love life.
We will work with women every last weekend of every training. The women are attending a similar program (Temple Priestess – Awakening Shakti). We will be there to serve each other in our process.
Dates: 2023: January 14–15: 11.00 – 17.00- Zena Amsterdam
January 21, 22: Weesp-12.30-18.30
Investment: €399,-
Send a mail to marcia (@) school of shakti . org to register, or call marcia at 06 49135246
If you have a smaller budget please let me know, so that we can discuss our options.
Read the terms and conditions and group rules.