He walked into my workspace, this big handsome gentleman.
A bit shy and very tense.
When I asked him to sit down he confessed he was nervous because he knew that a ‘practise woman’ was about to enter our scene.
He booked a private session with me, for him to deeper relax in his masculine essence. To trust that his masculine energy is so welcome and so needed with the feminine.
Not convinced at all, he listened to my explanation on the how the law of Polarity works.
Explaining how important ‘grounding’ is. A connection with your genital area. An awareness on what makes him a man.
“If you are only present in your heart- than you miss a huge part of your being as a man, you are not just human, you are a man.”
That was not so easy for him because he feels shame and guilt around his man parts.
She walked into the room, this beautiful woman that I call ‘practise woman’, (by lack of other titel). She is much more than that. This woman has a devotion to the masculine, (a trade that we share.) She is a mirror to this man that feels so out of his comfort now.
I can see him trembling and that he stops breathing. I ask- and he confirms and starts breathing again.
He looks at her as God’s gift and as the most beautiful and captivating thing he has ever seen.
That is super flattering for the practice women, I could see that. He radiates so much love and devotion from his heart.
It creates an energy where he gives all his energy away to her.
And very quick the appreciation for her beauty turns into another energy. Her head starts to tilt and her eyes look very loving too now.. but more like a mother.
The polarity is gone.
“ Do you recognize this?” I ask him, this dynamic?
“Yes, I’m afraid so” he admitted. He either attracks ‘mammies’ or I women in need of saving.
Let’s work with that- I start to see where and how he gives his power away. His body languages is giving all his secrets away.
(I give private ’empowerment sessions’ to men. Also to women, also with couples, and also in group settings)
… to be continued.