1 Shakti Tantra, ether

If you want to use your gifts and talents, your own experience and you feel ‘the calling’ to uplift women who are ready for a new paradigm!
The old paradigm is related to the collective pain body of the feminine- the time has come to step out of it and create a new paradigm where there is room for the feminine to blossom, flow and grow!

If you feel this ‘calling’- you are not alone. We, at School of Shakti are pioneering our way into the world. Let the feminine voice be heard and the feminine force find a way into the new paradigm.


SHAKTI: The term Shakti defines an aspect of the universe, with numerous nuances, such as kundalini, cosmic creative force, terrible power which destroys all limitations, Goddess who grants boons, feminine force residing in beautiful, radiant, vital and spiritual women. According to the Tantric Scriptures She has innumerable ways of manifesting herself. Shakti is Maya, (illusion) who appears as reality and hides the Absolute Conscious Truth from the ignorant. Shakti represents the force of transformation in the form of Kali.Shakti also called ‘The Goddess’ who encourages us to tread the path of Tantra and realize the real mission of being on the human plane as a woman.

Everything that is movement and energy, earthly life (micro-, and macrocosmic) is in reality the action of Shakti, the Cosmic Mother, who embraces everything and is in the same time beyond.In the tantric cosmology, the whole universe (the macrocosm) is considered to have emerged and to be permanently sustained by two forces, opposed in term of polarity: Shiva (masculine) and Shakti (feminine). Shakti, in a Tantric perspective, cannot be confined in a structure. She is all the elements, earth, water, fire, air without ascertaining the identity of any.

In Shakti Tantra it is believed that a woman is not able to embrace her femininity if she ignores the divine aspect within her. The study of Shakti Tantra, for example in the Mahavidyas, is mostly related to worship of the feminine energy – the Goddess.  Kali is the most known of all Mahavidyas – she is the purest form of transformation. The Tantric Goddess of destruction of belief systems and everything that has form.

Intro into the Mahavidyas:
The spectrum of these ten Wisdom Goddesses covers the whole range of feminine divinity, encompassing horrific goddess’s at one end, to the ravishingly beautiful at the other. A journey into womanhood in all its forms and transitions in life. You will lear the power of Yantra and Mantra. Becoming the Goddess instead of studying her. Through transmission you will discover all the aspects of Feminine Energy.

WHY: This module is created for women who (want to) work with sexual energy for the purpose of healing and empowering women and men. Understanding Tantra in it’s true form and working with Shakti Energy.

HOW: Through ancient Tantric practise you will learn how to open your body to the Divine. Shakti Tantra initiations and transmissions. Learn about the most fierce form of Shakti: Kali energy, and get clarification on what this Goddess really represents. You will learn how to move Shakti energy through the body. You will reconnect with the deep longing that will guide you to surrender and trust. Replace will- power with receptivity in your life. Find your own spiritual, sexual practice.

THE ELEMENT ETHER: Reconnect with the ether element, of feeling and channeling your surroundings. Corresponds with Visshudha chacra, the 5th chacra in our energetic system. We have the ability to scan the room or environment where you are in and influence the atmpsphere with a higher frequency. You can feel and hear the ‘unspoken’ and therefor can translate shadow into light.

Thourought the training you will interact with the masculine in this Stage through tantric meditations with tantric men. You are invited to welcome your own feminine sexual energy as a the valuable source of life-force, wisdom, creativity, sensuality and bliss. To use this as a magic tool to enhance sexual energy within you and your lover. You are encouraged to lovingly face your own shadows, for they are precious guides with meaningful messages.

We leren Orakel technieken, hoe je in een tijdloze staat kunt komen waarin verleden en toekomst samenvallen in het nu. Meer Tantric Feminine Secrets worden uit de doeken gedaan, geheimen uit de tradities van de Indiase Devadasi’s, Tempel Godinnen die hun sensualiteit, lichaam en geest ter beschikking stelde aan de Godin/Shakti. Via dans, yoga, meditatie, bodywork, kunst en meer. Het verhogen van je seksuele frequentie en je partner meenemen in deze verhoogde staat van bewustzijn.

-Teaching skils to share the knowledge of Shakti Tantra
-How to hold the Space for this Sacred Knowlegde
-Learn about Tantra, Yantra, Mantra, polarities, Shiva and Shakti, Maya, Mahamudra etc
-Learn to let the Divine ‘work through you’ and opening to concsiousness as the Divine Feminine
-Play with boundaries and explore sexuality
-How to create safetety, honesty and openness in groupdynamics
-Learn to detect and communicate boundaries in a way that creates connection
-Owning our sexuality and design your love life that creates flow and synchronicity
-Be supported by a tribe of sisters/ the Divine Feminine
-Transform your shadow side into light and a light for others
-Learn Tantric Breath Techniques

REQUIRED: School of Shakti Trainings

DATA: Teaching Shakti Tantra, ether element drieluik
23 en 24 maart, 20 en 21 april, 11 en 12 mei
11.00-17.00 uur, Studio Zena, Borneokade 68, Amsterdam Oost
Vroegboekkorting €466,- voor 1 maart 2019, erna €488,-

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